General Information
General Information
29.70 km2 (4.9% of Seoul)
213,914 households, 479,835 residents (as of December 31, 2020)
caution6,741 foreigners
163,322 units
Administrative areas
116 dong (572 tong 4,236 ban)
Administrative organizations
6 bureaus, 1 office, 1 secretariat, 3 officers, 34 departments, 1 division, 1 branch office, 16dong
Civil servants
Headcount: 1,458 (896 for gu, 427 for dong, 107 for community health centers, and 28 for gu councils)
Major Facilities and Indices
Major Facilities
- National facilities NTS Eunpyeong District Office, Korean Women’s Development Institute, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, and more
- Cultural and sports facilities Eunpyeong Culture & Arts Center, Eunpyeong Public Library, Eunpyeong History Hanok Museum, Eunpyeong-gu Sports Center, Eunpyeong Tongil-ro Sports Center, Eunpyeong Rock Climbing, and more
- Welfare facilities Nokbeon Community Welfare Center, Eunpyeong Senior Welfare Center, Angels’ Haven, Good Woori Community Center, and more
- Medical facilities Seoul Eunpyeong Hospital, Seoul Seobuk Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea St. Mary’s Hospital, Cheong Gu Sung Sim Hospital, Bonseobu Hospital, and more
- Schools 69 schools (1 university, 18 high schools, 18 middle schools, 30 elementary schools, 1 school for children with special needs, and 1 other)
- Kindergartens 40 kindergartens (17 public and 23 private)
Major Indices
- Residential area 15.368 km2
- Commercial area 0.518 km2
- Green area 13.902 km2
- Development restriction zone 15.21 km2
- Exclusive bus lane 9.2 km
- Subway extension 15.2 km
- Road ratio 23.05%
- Paved road ratio 100%
- Gas supply rate 95.20% (for household)
- Waste generation rate 140.5 tonnes/day
- Registered cars 132,198
- Parking spaces 163,750