Welcome to Eunpyeong-gu of Seoul
(Re)Issuance of Qualification Certificates

Issuance of barber’s and beautician’s certificates

Required documents: Use the provided form

  • Medical certificate (community health centers and clinics do not issue medical certificates; contact hospitals.)
  • Photo
  • Identification card (Alien Registration Card or Overseas Korean Resident Card)

Issuance of cooking license

Required documents: Use the provided form

  • Medical certificate (community health centers and clinics do not issue medical certificates; contact hospitals.)
  • Photo
  • Identification card (Alien Registration Card or Overseas Korean Resident Card)

Reissuance of barber’s and beautician’s certificates

Required documents: Use the provided form

  • For lost certificates, a statement explaining the loss and one photo are required
  • For damaged certificates, the current certificate and one photo are required
  • To make corrections to the certificate, proof of changes in personal information, such as Certificate of Resident Register (Abstract) and one photo, are required
  • warning If a barber’s or beautician’s certificate was not initially issued by the Eunpyeong-gu Office, it may take around three (3) hours to reissue the certificate.

Reissuance of cooking license

Required documents: Use the provided form

  • For lost certificates, one photo is required
  • For damaged certificates, the current certificate and one photo are required
  • To make corrections to the certificate, proof of changes in personal information, such as Certificate of Resident Register (Abstract) and one photo, are required
  • warning If a cooking license was not initially issued by the Eunpyeong-gu Office, it may take around three (3) hours to reissue the certificate.

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 민원여권과 민원처리팀
  • 전화번호 02-351-6414
  • 최종수정일 2022.01.23