Welcome to Eunpyeong-gu of Seoul
Cultural Spaces

Eunpyeong Culture & Arts Center

Address 16, Nokbeon-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul


Eunpyeong Culture & Arts Center opened to the public to promote regional culture and arts on November 15, 1996. It has performance halls for concerts and plays, as well as special exhibition halls for painting and photography exhibitions.
The center is equipped with conference rooms and promotional exhibition halls in its cultural space complex. Cultural spaces are available as well, including four cultural lecture rooms and an outdoor performance venue.

Multiculture Museum

Address 135, Bulgwang-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul


Multiculture Museum is full of attractions, including the world’s famous buildings, traditional costumes, musical instruments, and world currencies. Visitors can enjoy different cultures of each country, ranging from cuisines and costumes to African dances and hands-on activities.

Savina Museum

Address 93, Jingwan 1-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul


Savina Museum is Korea’s leading private museum (Registered Museum No. 1 and Specialized Museum No. 251).
Since its establishment in March 1996, the museum has been playing its part to promote awareness of the value and meanings of arts, with convergence, change, challenge, and innovation at the forefront of its mind.

Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics

Address 85, Jingwan 1-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul


Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics was founded under the name Minjokmunhwa Chujinhoe by 50 veterans in the academic, arts, and cultural fields in 1965. In November 2007, it refurbished itself as a Ministry of Educationaffiliated academic research institute. Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics offers translated Korean classics, which was hard to access over the last half century, to the general public and academic fields.

The institute has translated around 2,000 pieces of Korean classics written in Chinese characters and published, including the famous Joseonwangjosillok: Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, Seungjeongwon Ilgi: The Diaries of the Royal Secretariat, and Ilseongnok: The Diary of Self-examination, which were all officially recognized by the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, and other literary works that exhibit Korea’s ideology and cultural essence. The institute also published the Korean Literary Collections in Classical Chinese consisting of 1,200 literary works that symbolize the academia and ideology of ancient Korea.

Eunpyeong Youth Center

Address 16, Baengnyeonsan-ro 4-gil, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul


Eunpyeong Youth Center was founded in Eungam-dong in 2003 for the purpose of empowering young people and supporting them to live a healthy and bright life.
With focus on the fields of education, culture, life sports, counseling, and guidance, the center offers excellent programs for adolescents. Eunpyeong Youth Center is making efforts to become a future-oriented center and to offer a relaxing space to young people by operating a youth volunteer center and holding youth festivals.

Eunpyeong Living and Cultural Center, Moyeorock

Address 11-10, Yeonseo-ro 29-gil, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul


Eunpyeong Living and Cultural Center is a place where residents can enjoy both living and cultural affairs and professional arts. The center enriches the residents’ lives.
Working in partnership with Eunpyeong Foundation for Arts & Culture since 2020, Eunpyeong Living and Cultural Center owns various facilities, including recording rooms, performance halls, band practice rooms, education rooms, and community spaces for residents.

Seoul Innovation Park

Address San 1-55, Nokbeon-dong, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul


Seoul Innovation Park is a social innovative platform where residents can engage in bringing innovations to their daily lives.

Major buildings

  • SeMA Storage Arts programs under Seoul Museum of Art take place
  • Wood Workshop Carpentry workspace with professional equipment where carpenters reside
  • Maker Park Digital manufacturing space and workspace for technical studies
  • Food Park Food culture laboratory operated by Seoul Food Life Support Center
  • Theater Heights Communal workspace for pop culture targeting residents
  • Upcycling Lawn Space for finding ways to recycle wastes
  • Idea Bridge Space where residents and innovators meet
  • Project Path Multi-purpose laboratory where innovators reside
  • Collabo Bay Multi-purpose space to support the Seoul Metropolitan Government
  • Information Hill Promotional space and information center
  • Seoul 50 Plus Foundation Space for supporting the life planning for people aged over 50

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 문화관광과 문화예술팀
  • 전화번호 02-351-6512
  • 최종수정일 2022.01.23