Welcome to Eunpyeong-gu of Seoul

Eunpyeong Nuri Festival

Eunpyeong Nuri Festival photo

This festival got its name by the Eunpyeong-gu residents in 2010. Eunpyeong Nuri Festival is a resident-led festival that takes place in the neighborhoods of Eunpyeong-gu, including Eunpyeong Culture & Arts Center and Bulgwangcheon Stream, every fall.
Various arts and cultural events are open to everyone, from an opening event; a closing event; a life, culture and arts fellowship titled Hanmadang, and; a square festival.

Pabalje Festival

Pabalje Festival photo

As one of Eunpyeong-gu’s major traditional and cultural festival, Pabalje Festival is intended to shed new light on the geographical history of Gupabal, the first Seobal (post), which serves as the basis of pabal (post station) in the Joseon Dynasty. The festival is held to promote traditional culture through a street parade that symbolizes hopes for reunification between two Koreas.
Pre-opening events consist of a professional performance and special performances by residents. Opening events consist of a Pabal Opening Ceremony and a play about the origin of the Pabalje Festival.
In addition, the festival leads a large-scale and resident-led parade, including yeokcham replica, transportation and communication means (gibal, bobal, and pabalma) and street parades. At the parade’s destination, Eunpyeong Culture & Arts Center, the scene of delivering pabalmun is recreated.

Bulgwangcheon Cherry Blossom Festival

Bulgwangcheon Cherry Blossom Festival photo

Bulgwangcheon Cherry Blossom Festival has begun since 2012, and it takes place along Bulgwangcheon Stream, which is known as Eunpyeong’s cherry blossom attraction.
Living Culture and Arts Fellowship and an affiliated performance team offer cultural performances to solidify the community unity. More cherry blossom events are held for residents.

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 문화관광과 문화예술팀
  • 전화번호 02-351-6517
  • 최종수정일 2022.01.23